
Polish Kahles Cup 2020 | Poligon Drawski 17-18.01.2020 @ Poligon Drawski
sty 17@11:00 – sty 18@15:00

Ilość konkurencji: 4

Klasy sprzętowe: bez podziału na klasy sprzętowe

Klasyfikacja: indywidualna

Odległość strzelania: 15-900 m

Ilość amunicji: 50 szt + trening


UWAGA! – Wszystkie konkurencje muszą być strzelane z jednego karabinu!




Piątek 17.01.2020
11:00 – 15:00 trening – 300 m i 600 m cele papierowe, tarcza

Sobota 18.01.2020

8:00 – 8:30 rejestracja zawodników,

8:30 – rozpoczęcie zawodów, instruktaż

9:00 – start zawodów

14:30 – zakończenie zawodów

16:00 – ogłoszenie wyników, wręczenie nagród

The Longest Day Competition 2020
kwi 18 całodniowy
The Longest Day Competition 2020

Good evening everyone
Here we are ready for a new challenge, The Longest Day Competition 2020.
The competition will be individual, will take place on 18/04/2020 and a limit of 28 shooters from only European countries.
Approximately 100 shots of carbine will be required.

The competition includes a first part of day exercises, with competition starting in the morning and a second part of night exercises ending late at night.
It will be a very demanding competition, with a duration of about 15 hours.

Night visors will not be allowed, in order to leave equal opportunities to all participants.
Recommended optics with illuminated reticle.

The registration fee will be € 150 for each participant.

We are waiting for you on our field to participate in this new edition of the Longest Day Competition.

Skiritai Legacy
For Subscriptions send mail: